Champion's Mojo for Masters Swimmers

Year-End Nuggets from Our Top 10 Episodes of 2023, EP 241

Kelly Palace and Maria Parker
Speaker 1:

Welcome to the award-winning Champions Mojo hosted by two world record-holding athletes. Be inspired as you listen to conversations with champions and now your hosts, kelly Palace and Maria Parker.

Speaker 2:

So in this episode of Champions Mojo's year in we are wrapping up 2023, maria and you and I have picked our top 10 favorite shows from the year. We had 52 shows this year and this was a really hard list, so by no means are we going to try to give everybody exactly what happened in each show, but we're going to give you a highlight. So if you listen to this episode, you will walk away with 10 nuggets from our top 10 shows.

Speaker 3:

Yep, you should listen. I mean, there are so many things in all the shows. As you said, If you don't listen to every show, this will at least give you some good takeaways that you can start 2024 with.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and we are going to give the show number, the episode number, after each little nugget that we talk about. So we're going to count down from number 10 up to number one and Maria, number 10,. Give it to us.

Speaker 3:

Number 10 is Clyde Ackbar. What I found really wonderful about this show is this guy started swimming at 60, also trying to, I think, play the violin, and he's just all about challenging himself with new things all the time. And he's also and probably part of that, he's an incredibly spirited man. They have a spirit award named after him. He's just incredibly encouraging to others. So that's episode 196.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it's awesome. Clyde's interview was one of our favorites this year. So number nine is Lindsey Price. Lindsey is the recovery pilot for the vessel, the ship that recovers the SpaceX rockets. My takeaway from her episode, which is episode 195, is that she believes that swimming every morning, or working out hard every morning, is a key to successfully completing her day. She actually did swim the morning of her interview for SpaceX.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and she travels a lot. She's moving around, so she gets that work out in no matter where she is. I think that's a great takeaway. Yeah, this is a great interview. Number eight, mark Cutts, master's coach, episode 200,. I love this one because, as a new swimmer, there's a lot of just really good stuff in there about how to improve. He talked about pace goals and incremental improvement. With your pace goals, basically you have to measure yourself. If you're going to get better, you've got to measure yourself and then try to move from there to improve. He has a t-shirt that has made the pace be with you. I just love that. I think for any of us who are just trying to get better at swimming, this was a great episode, episode 200.

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely. You know I am a huge fan of Mark Cutts, so number seven. We have a tie and we just put both of these at number seven because they're both very similar themes. This was episode number 207 and episode number 214, where we interviewed Will Liebig. In one which was titled Chef to Iron man, will has lost 125 pounds, and then we interviewed Sherry Bogue, who lost 135 pounds. So both of these interviews are such journeys of transformation and individually unique stories, but both of them are in the same genre and so inspirational. So I just truly recommend that, if someone is looking at losing weight or looking at taking on a big challenge, that either episode 207 or 214, one where we interview Will and one where we interview Sherry very inspirational.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, those were both inspirational. Okay, so number six Austin Williamson. This is episode number 221. He came to swimming from triathloning and the takeaway for me was that swimming is so great that, even though he was a triathlete as he began swimming, swimming took over for him as his first love. I think that says a lot about swimming in the community around swimming. So, as a person who is also swimming for triathloning, I think that was a great takeaway for me that swimming can really take over your heart.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it was really funny when he said oh, I hope my wife doesn't mind that I said that I fell in with swimming. Are you struggling to put on those tight tech suits before your big meet? Well, you're in luck because there is a product called Skin Slick. It's an anti-friction spray-on sports lubricant that will allow you to slide into the tightest of tech suits. A couple sprays around your hips, thighs and your bum is all you need to squeeze into those compact suits in half the time. That's right, skin Slick makes it much easier.

Speaker 2:

It also prevents chafing. So if your straps are giving you cuts on your shoulders, go ahead and give that area a couple of sprays and you're good to go Head over to SBR Sports Inc and use code MOJO23 for 23% off Skin Slick today. So number five was interview number 233 with Dawson Hughes. Anytime you are a master swimming podcast and you can get the CEO of United States Master Swimming on your podcast, dawson gave us some great insight into the USMS organization and what's coming up in the future, so we highly recommend that episode 233.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's a good one, Number four, maria. Number four was episode 220. And that was when we did together called Five Tips for a Race Day Mindset. There's five really good things in here, but one of the things that I've learned from you, kelly, was to use that energy that you find when you're nervous on race day to help your event and to be grateful for it. So basically, you use that emotion and try to create positive emotions. Think about gratitude and how lucky you are to be there and use that emotion in a positive way. But there's four more tips, so be sure to listen to episode 220.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, that was truly one of my favorites. As we hone in here on the top four, three, two, one, that one, I just I use that all the time. It's using that energy, finding that energy. Number three was our interview with Paul Newsome. All the way from Australia, he is the founder of Swim Smooth and this one is just how important technique is. It really changed the trajectory of my swim season in the most positive way. And Paul is just rare air. These top three episodes of our year. It's like how did we get these people on our podcast?

Speaker 3:

It really, it's so amazing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're so amazing, and that's episode 229. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

That was a great one. And number two, episode number 228, penny Noyes, who is a world-renowned 70-year-old swimmer. She has nine world records. This woman is so impressive. She trains with the kids. She's had tons of surgeries and she's just going. I had that surgery and the surgery and she doesn't let that stop her. I think one of the main takeaways from that interview is things can break. You can get them fixed. That doesn't have to stop your swimming career or even take you out of the game.

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely. That song by Sia everybody's probably heard. It's unstoppable. So Penny Noyes, she's just unstoppable. And at 70, she is still so fast I would say if you took her times and put them in the whole database she's probably still in top 10% of all Swimmers, maybe even men. And at 70, anne is a world record holder. I did not know until I interviewed her on deck what she's overcome, so she was just huge, huge inspiration. Again, episode 228. And our number one is our interview with Dr Colleen Hacker, who is a sports psychologist. She works with the US Olympic teams. She was just amazing and truly turned my season around with what she said in our interview.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, she was amazing. We both got her book and read it. Her book is full of all the things you need to be a successful athlete and person.

Speaker 2:

Yes. So I think that the main takeaway here is just how important sports psychology is, and if you are not using sports psychology, if you're not working on your mindset, you are leaving improvement on the table. That's episode 226. I learned through this episode that pain is my superpower. I had kind of given up on when I'd get in the middle of a long mile and I started to get into pain. Somehow I started to become afraid of it and talking with Dr Hacker really changed my mindset and it has just inspired the heck out of me to delve deeper into sports psychology.

Speaker 3:

That's great. So should we go over the numbers again? We have episode 196, 195, 200, 207, 214, 221, 233, 220, 229, 228, and 226.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and we will have these in our show notes as well. We hope that these will either wrap up your 2023 in the best possible way or kick off 2024. So, maria, can you believe? We're up to 250 episodes and going on our fifth year? That's amazing. That's amazing.

Speaker 3:

It is Love you, Kelly.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for being on this journey. Love you too. Love you Bye-bye, bye-bye.

Speaker 1:

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